Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lesson Plan: Math- Multiplication

Enduring understanding:
Students will learn that two factors will always yield the same product even when they are in different order.
Content Standards that are the target of Student Learning
(List the complete text of the relevant parts of each standard)
2.2 Solve Problems involving simple number patterns.
3.1 Use repeated addition, arrays and counting by multiples to do multiplication.

English Language development (ELD) standards (if applicable)
Make oneself understood when speaking by using consistent Standard English grammatical forms and sounds.
Learning Objectives (both content and language)
By the end of this lesson students will be able to identify that the products are the same even when the factors are written in a different order.
Formal and Informal Assessments:

Students will be called to recall their prior knowledge on repeated addition and multiplication.

Instructional Strategies and learning tasks to support Student learning (what you and the students will be doing)

Phase I: Structured Practice.
I will state the California Content Standards we will be reaching today.

We will work on the problem of the day. Before we start, there will be pair names from now on. The taller person will be red and the other one yellow. Our pair names are red and yellow.

Write the Problem of the Day in the board:

314 – 79 = ; 139 + 478 = ; 410 - 386

Work on these problems by yourselves. (10 minutes)
(Rationale of the Problem of the Day: The students learned about subtracting and adding three-digit numbers. I want my students to always line up the numbers when adding and subtracting three-digit numbers because I believe this skill will help them when they multiply and divide bigger numbers.)

Phase II: Guided practice:

You have learned how to build and use arrays to write multiplication sentences. Today we will explore how to write multiplication sentences with the same numbers but in different order.

We will be using counters.

Yellow, make sure your counters are showing the yellow side.

Red, make sure your counters are showing the red side.

We learned about making arrays. Arrays have equal rows. Can someone show me the row in this array? (Show the fish array)
When we do our activity, remember
______ x _____ = ____
Rows #/row product

Yellow, make an array that shows 3 x 2
Red help yellow count all the counters.
How many do you have? Write it on the handout
Red, make an array that shows 2 x3
Yellow help red count all the counters.
How many do you have? Are they the same? Write it on the handout.

Lets try another one:
Yellow: 3x 4
Red: 4x 3

What did you notice? Talk to your partners. Yellow tell first. If you have the same idea, Red should say “I agree with you”.

Phase III: Independent Practice:

The students will answer the exercises on p.536 - 538. Students need to work with partners.


I will know that they have learned when I see that they are writing the products correctly and they are not confused about changing the order.


3 – The student is able to understand that in multiplication, the order of the factors are irrelevant and correctly answer most of the questions in the handouts.
2 – The student is able to see the pattern yet some answers were not correct.
1 - The student did not see the pattern and did not attempt the exercises.

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