Thursday, July 17, 2008

Real Life (from Real Simple)

I read this magazine called Real Simple and they have a section at the back where a reader would answer these questions that only celebrities are asked. So I thought I'd answer the questions, feel like a celebrity or atleast a middle-aged woman:-)

Gladys Fernandez

Age: 27 / grad student San Bruno, CA / Single

Q: What is your favorite feature?

A: My teeth. I was fortunate to have a Dentist for an Auntie and she took care of my teeth for free for like 15 years.

Q: What was your most embarassing moment?

A: There is too many to mention and hard to chose just one:-) But I am always embarrassed whenever my friends who've known me since childhood would recount those embarrassing moments.

Q: What are you most proud of?

A: That I have a great relationship with my parents. We all put in extra effort to improve our communications and I have outmost respect for them. Not a lot of people know this but my father and I are close and we can talk about almost anything.

Q: What is something no one knows about you?

A: I can cook and sew by hand.

Q: What's the one thing you'll never understand?

A: Men. Enough said.

Q: What's the perfect age?

A: Probably the 40's because one would have had accomplishments worth talking about. At that age the akwardness of one's teen years would have be shed compeletely, or so we hope. I'm not liking my 20's right now, it is proving to be a mixed bag.

Q: The big decision I'm currently wrestling with is...

A: What I will do in the fall semester. I'm not student teaching until Spring of 2009 and I need to work on getting a credential and getting a job to pay bills etc, etc.

Q: Cats or Dogs?

A: Cats. But please don't tell my dog.

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