Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[500] Days of Summer

I really liked the movie, I don’t care what critics say about their “lack of Chemistry”. It’s supposed to be like that, geez, did they really watch the films they reviewed in its entirety?
I really don’t know how to categorize this movie. I don’t think it’s a romantic-comedy, it’s a coming of age, tragic, comedy. It is told in a non-linear fashion which challenges the idea on how stories need to be told. It is about a relationship that didn’t work. And the interesting thing is that most people I’ve polled identified with Tom’s character, even the ones who are have obviously pulled a “summer”. The reason for this, in my humble opinion, is that we remember the times our heart were broken and we try to forget the times we broke other people’s hearts. Sometimes we even break hearts without even knowing it.
Another aspect of this film I enjoyed is the architecture. It showcased Los Angeles is a different light. When I think of L.A. visions of Disneyland and the Chinese Theatre comes to my mind and not the buildings, park, and streets that I saw in the film. This is very refreshing and it made a little sad to find out that they considered San Francisco first for the movie. The change was probably made due to the increasingly unfavorable regulations in filming in the city.
If you have a heart, I think you should watch this film

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