Friday, June 18, 2010 good!

I've been thinking about change these past few weeks based on conversations I've had with the Rat, which should not be confused with a character in Haruki Murakami's novel, A Wild Sheep Chase. He made me think about change in a deeper level, not just identifying what needs to be changed or how to change them, but also why I should change them.

I was complaining to him as usual about how I am always the one organizing to get together with friends always the one who calls someone to hang out. Which is probably not entirely true but at that point it's how I felt. In a dramatic statement I told him I will have to change this and see how much they all miss me when I stop calling.

He told me I was wrong and that I shouldn't change that about me because it's part of who I am and it's not a bad thing. Although he didn't say it, and we didn't expound on it anymore, I extended this idea to other things that makes me, well, me. If I change aspects of myself, would it make a better me, or a lesser me?

This became my guiding principle in making changes. Will this enrich my way of life? I decided to start with my writing, which eventually spills on this blog.

I decided to write more and edit things I've written that I thought could be better. Which meant that those labeled "fiction" might be deleted or overhauled and reposted. I might even translate the tagalog blogs to enrich my language switching abilities. Whatever catches my fancy.

You may have noticed some lesson plans. They are modified to fit the classrooms I've taught in the past two years. I'm going to post more soon. I just felt like I've been holed up in the comfort of my classmates, colleagues, teachers and students that I neglected to share bits of myself and what I've learned. The past school year was a whirlwind, enriching CRAzy experience.

I will continue to post things that interest me: quotes, pictures, videos, songs, poetry, stories, reviews and of course thoughts about LOVE and it's many manifestations.

With that I leave you an "Updated Version of Me" by KC Concepcion. After all, there is a song for my every move:-)

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